Our Community Rules & Guidelines are to be interpreted and enforced by the Community's Staff Team. Players have the right to appeal punishments received while using our Servers/Services however, after an appeal has been reviewed, all decision(s) made by our Staff Team are final. Players will not be permitted to redundantly appeal or criticize final decision(s) made by the TERRA Staff Team. This is for the sake of efficiency (we have a lot to deal with) and sanity (we only have so many Staff Team Members). The vast majority of the TERRA Staff Team Members are volunteers and they sacrifice countless hours of their own free time in order to make the Community a better place to enjoy what we all love. Making their work harder is not in the best interest of the Community. With that being said, we cannot write an explicit "rule" for every disagreeable situation created in an our Community. If you feel there is something wrong, you can always contact our Staff Team but please remember to be respectful of their service to our Community.
Any threats made towards a Player's true wellbeing, including to their health or property (or that of a relative or an associate) is completely unacceptable. Harassment is also completely unacceptable. If you're upset because of something that happened in a game server, keep it in-game and keep it clean. The moment you start taking out your frustration by harassing someone outside of game, it has gone too far. Threats and harassment include threatening to [D]DoS, Dox or Swat someone. We have a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for these kinds of actions.
Doxing is a particular form of harassment that involves the distribution of another individual's sensitive or personal information (including any mediums that may contain that information). In our view, this also includes using their likeness to harass them (such as a picture of their face). If a Player decides to willingly publicize that information, we will not act in order to preserve their privacy in that regard (we are not going to punish individuals for spreading something widely known) however, that does not give someone the inherent right to use that information to harass them. Doxing is completely unacceptable and is a serious violation of our Rules.
A (distributed) denial-of-service attack ([D]DoSing) is an attempt to overwhelm a computer network's capabilities with malicious requests. Anyone caught discussing the use of a [D]DoS attack to illegally harm a computer network will be removed from our community immediately. It is a serious violation of our Rules.
Cheating, Glitching and Stat Padding (A.K.A. "Boosting") are not permitted in our community. In addition, Discussing, Sharing or Advertising Cheats, Glitches or Boosting of any kind may result in your removal from the community. Likewise, we do not tolerate Players making jokes about Cheating. If you are caught playing with or benefiting directly from a Player who is Cheating, Glitching or Boosting, you will also be punished. We have a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for these kinds of actions.
Cheating includes using third party software to gain an unfair advantage over other Players (which includes "Hacking" or "Scripting"). If you suspect a Player of Cheating, DO NOT report them in game chat (or any public chat). Failure to comply will result in punishment. Calling attention to potential cheaters in any public chat will make it harder for our Staff Team to investigate potential Rule-Breakers. Players should report potential Cheaters in Discord (via a Support Ticket) or via an in-game tool (like, on our Rust Servers, the /report command).
We highly discourage abusing Glitches or exploits in software (whether that be a Game Server, Plugin or another program). If you find a Glitch, please notify the TERRA Staff Team privately (either via an in-game tool like /report or via Discord DMs). Also, please be aware that simple actions (like finding a way to store loot inside / under foundations in Rust) may be considered abusing a glitch. Some other (more harmless) exploits may be ignored at the Staff Team's discretion. If you are not sure if what you are doing is considered Glitching, contact our Staff Team.
Stat Padding or "Boosting" is when a Player disingenuously improves or degrades their own statistics in order to reach a set goal. Stat Padding or Boosting of any kind is not allowed and will not be tolerated. Players caught Stat Padding will be punished appropriately and their statistics will be wiped (and, in some cases, their ability to use any statistic-tracking systems in the future will be permanently removed).
Spam includes the unsolicited or inappropriate abuse of communications. This doesn't only include forms of widespread unsolicited / unauthorized advertising, it can also include annoyingly formatted text messages or messages sent in quick succession. Atypical examples of Spam can include asking or begging other Players for free in-game Items, RP, referrals, wagers (CoinFlip/RPLottery), et cetera. We also require that all communications in public chat(s) or channels are made in English. For more information see text and voice spam-related Rule(s). Follow these Rules; don't be annoying.
Text spam includes unnecessary repeating characters, using lots of capital letters ("CAPS") or just sending the same message or content over and over again (especially when done in quick succession). When it comes to sharing links, a link you may send may be violating our Rule regarding Advertising or, if it is malicious, it may violate our Rules regarding Threats, Harassment & Attacks.
Voice spam includes yelling into your microphone, ear-raping or even just playing music through your microphone. Voice spam can also be considered as rudely interrupting other individuals attempting to communicate. Be respectful of other's ears and try to not be annoying.
Unauthorized Advertising includes anything from promoting a product or service to sharing a YouTube channel, Twitch channel, Social Media, Discord Server or Game Server. If you wish to share your YouTube or Twitch channel (or something alike), you can do so with permission from the TERRA Staff Team. You do not need permission to share any YouTube Videos or Stream Clips that were recorded while playing on a TERRA Game Server as long as it is not shared in game chat. To be more specific, if you would like to share a Live Stream, you will always need permission whereas if you are sharing a link of a Recorded Video or Clip on a TERRA Server/Service, you do not.
While using any of our global communications (this includes non-private in-game Text Chat, public Discord Channels (Text OR Voice), your language of use should always be English. Non-English communications in these places are deemed inappropriate as the VAST majority of our Players cannot understand them. As an aside, having a poor or non-existent understanding of the English language will not be accepted as a valid excuse for failing to follow our Rules. You may, however, use Non-English communications in any non-public chat unless instructed as otherwise by a TERRA Staff Team Member.
When interacting with other Players, remember the "golden rule". If you treat others like crap, you'll likely get treated like a bag of it in return. With that being noted, we understand that any competitive setting will create contention between Players. That doesn't mean you have to be overly toxic. Your conduct will be considered overly toxic when it starts affecting bystanders or unrelated parties. Extreme examples include anything outlined in our Rules regarding harassment. In addition, racism or gross bigotry is not acceptable in our community. If you want to be an edge lord, do it elsewhere. Essentially, if you're being such a disturbance that it is bothering other Players or catching the attention of Staff, you are being overly toxic and need to stop. Violating other Rules while being overly toxic will only multiply the punishment you will receive for any infractions that may have occurred (for example: spam).
It's important to note that Staff Team Members are volunteers. While interacting with them you should acknowledge that they, too, are people and did not volunteer to babysit Players acting like spoiled children. Players become Staff Team Members to help out new Players, ensure the Rules are enforced and engage in fun on our Game Servers like everyone else. They do not "owe" you something. They are not getting paid to do a "job". While they have special responsibilities, they are individuals that are expected to have their own personalities and are not instructed to take shit from toxic Players all day (we have Rules against that, outlined below). We have a lot of flexibility and trust in our Staff as they pass the most difficult screening process in the Rust community just to become the equivalent of a chat moderator (Helper). All Staff Team Members have earned their rank with hard work and dedication. Promotions are never handed out without good reason and all new team members start at the lowest rank regardless of reputation, affiliation or experience. With the above being said, the below subsections will outline Rules regarding your interaction(s) Staff, the Community and how to appropriately respond to any punishments you may receive while playing.
If you do not enjoy playing on one of our Game Servers or using one of our services either make a sincere suggestion in our #suggestions channel in Discord or leave. Relentlessly whining about things you don't like in game chat does not solve any problems and only creates a toxic, negative environment for our Players. In addition, "dogging" on Players for supporting our server financially is completely unacceptable. Don't like that people donate to support us? Leave. If you want to moan about someone having "kits" (or whatever else), zip it or, again, leave. Donors are what make our project(s) possible. TERRA has had over half-a-decade of development and work put into building its' community and many systems. If it makes you salty that someone can donate for a kit on a Server where you can get a stack of explosives out of a common container in the loot table, that's a you problem; keep it to yourself. In regards to members of the community themselves, Staff included, if you have an actual problem, you should make a #support ticket. In regards to Staff specifically, it will never be deemed acceptable to complain or have a debate or argument about the actions of a Staff Member (specifically a punishment) in a public setting. Make a #support ticket or hold your peace. Yes, Staff Team Members are human and can make mistakes, however, from our experience, they tend to be few and far between. If you legitimately believe a Staff Member made a mistake when handing out a punishment to you, make sure to: ONE; actually read the Rules and then TWO; make a #support ticket if you truly do not understand what happened or why. Remember to be respectful when interacting with Staff. They did not volunteer to be the punching bag for your daddy problems. If we feel that a Player is being disrespectful towards us, we will not provide them help (why should we have to?). If you feel that a Staff Team Member has abused their powers, again, make a #support ticket or use the /report tool in-game. As a reminder; filing redundant reports or making redundant tickets will be considered spam and you will be punished for wasting our time.
Temporary punishments are non-appealable and must be endured for their duration. Permanent punishments (such as bans and permanent mutes) can be appealed after 7 days have passed since the time of punishment. If you truly believe a punishment you have received was a mistake, you can make a #support ticket but we strongly suggest you actually read the Rules before doing so. Those who make a ticket to complain about "getting [muted/banned] for no reason" are wrong 100% of the time. No one gets punished for no reason. There's always a reason. If you don't know what that reason is we suggest: ONE; actually reading the Rules and then (if you're still confused) TWO; making a #support ticket. In regards to the scope of our enforcement, if you are being such a nuisance that we receive complaints from outside of our community, you may still be subject to punishment, especially if you are violating our Rules regarding harassment or cheating. Don't think for a second that we will not ban you from our community just because you decided to break our Rules in some type of direct/private messages or in another Discord Server. When we say we have a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for a specific action, we mean it. In regards to punishment evasion: evading a punishment in any way, shape or form is grounds for an immediate escalation and reinstatement of a more severe punishment. Examples of punishment evasion include: playing on one of our Game Servers when you currently have another Steam Account that is banned from one of our Servers or from Rust itself (a game ban). Other examples include any attempts to bypass an automated moderation filter in order to say a slur, post vulgar material or bypass a mute. If you are caught playing or associating with or benefiting directly from a Player who is evading punishment, you will also be punished. If you've been perviously game banned from Rust, you must ask permission to play on our Servers. We will ban anyone caught playing without permission without question. If you have more than one game ban, you will not be allowed to play on any of our Game Servers. If you've only received one game ban and it has been more than 180 days since that ban, you may be eligible to file an appeal and receive permission to play on our Game Servers.
Although we understand that a sizeable number of Players in our community are under the age of 18, we expect all Players, regardless of age, experience or any type of status to behave responsibly. We will not tolerate Players that refuse to accept responsibly for their own actions. We understand that you or someone else may become upset or heated in certain situations but that does not create an excuse for you to violate our Rules. It is the responsibly of all Players to follow our Community Rules & Guidelines at ALL TIMES.
These Rules apply to our Discord Server. The Community's General Rules apply on our Discord Server as well.
Use the correct channels. For example: the GENERAL category is NOT for support (neither are any voice channels outside of 📞 Voice Help 📞), go to the SUPPORT / HELP category if you need help. If you want to post a lot of media, post it in the #memes channel.
Do not @ Staff Members without their permission. Do not excessively @ other Discord Server members.
Do not DM Staff Members for help (unless given permission to do so by a Staff Team Member). Use the correct channels (Rule 2.1). You can still break our General Rules & Discord Rules while using DMs to communicate with another member in our Discord Server. Just because you are breaking our Rules (technically) outside of our Servers or Services does not mean we won't punish you (reference Enforcement Scope).
We are not PornHub or 4Chan.
Whether it is a Staff office or a private channel, the owner / administrators of the said channel can remove you from the channel for any given reason (or no reason at all). If someone decides to leave their private channel open and they ask you to leave. Leave. Refusing to leave (or joining back after being removed) is annoying and toxic. Likewise, if you are in a Public channel and all the current occupants ask you to leave, you should probably leave. If they decide to switch channels and you follow them around to be an annoying shithead, that's also unacceptable. Basically, if you have no etiquette in our Discord Server, you'll not only be violating this rule but also our rule regarding toxicity.
These Rules apply to our Rust Servers. The Community's General Rules apply on all Rust Servers as well.
The following Rules apply to all Rust Servers:
Paintables, such as signs, should not have NSFW or toxic content painted / uploaded on them.
Loot should not be placed in areas that are unfair. Examples include: under foundations or underwater. We consider this in violation of Rule 1.2.2.
Server or client-side performance minging (doing anything on purpose to cause lag or FPS drops) is not acceptable. Examples include entity or particle effect spam or exploiting other game engine limitations in regards to physics. We also consider this in violation of Rule 1.2.2.
The following Rules apply to TERRA Rusticus (10x) Rust Server:
Do not set a /home in/on (or in/on an addition to) a hostile Player's structure. This includes "taking over" another Player's base and then setting a /home inside of that structure (there is a reason you cannot set a /home on a Building Block you or a friendly have not created). If you want to build a base or place a /home where another Player's structure already exists, you must completely destroy their structure before placing your own /home on a new building.
Do not use the Remover Tool to "inside" [raid] or grief. Generally, you should only be using /remove to remove structures you have built (or you should have permission from the entity's owner / whoever placed it). If you decide to betray your own clan members or friends, using /remove to remove any number of structures (that you haven't built) in the pursuit of backstabbing them will violate this Rule and may result in your ban from the Server. Our suggestion is to never use /remove while "insiding" as there's a high risk you may remove a Building Block you did not place (even by accident).
Do not congregate, base, roam or PvP in groups larger than 6 Players at any given time. This means that you can PvP or congregate in a group of 6 Players (in total) regardless of what Clan(s) the Players belong to. For Example: Let's say Clan A has 4 Players and Clan B has 5 Players (9 Players total). If 3 Players from Clan A and 3 Players from B decide to roam together and PvP, they are not breaking the rules, however, if another Player joins them, they are breaking the rules. This goes for basing as well. If 3 Players from Clan B place / assign a bag or /home (with permission) in Clan A's base (where each Player in Clan A has a /home or bag) then ALL 7 Players are violating the Rules. This also allies to compounds (an area that is protected by a structure or external walls). Also, if Clan A is getting raided and only 2 of their clan members are helping to defend the raid (or, rather, in the general area), up to 4 other Players can help Clan A defend the raid. However, if another member from Clan A logs in and spawns in Clan A's base, there are now over 6 cooperative Players in the area. This now means that all 7+ Players are breaking the Rules.
Hotel Zones are areas, created by Staff Members for individual Players, to provide Players with a Safe-Zone for Roleplaying and Trading. Players can request Hotel Zones via a Support Ticket in our Discord Server. Players are warned when they leave and enter these Zones via an in-game Chat Message. Rule 3.2.3 does not apply in these zones (no "team limit").
Although there are no Rules regulating what non-participating Players can do within Hotel Zones, there are some Rules that the Hotel Zone Owner, their Friends, Clan Members and other participating Roleplayers must follow. Failure to comply with the following Rules can (and often will) result in a Player (or set of Players) being temporarily or permanently banned from owning or participating in future Hotel Zones. These rules are:
With the aforementioned acknowledged, Staff have the right to refuse to make Hotel Zones for any range of reasons including previous Rule infractions or a lack of reputation in the Community. Players that are deemed problematic are not solid candidates for receiving Hotel Zones. If we feel that a Hotel Zone is problematic, we may remove the Zone without warning.
Server IP:
You can type client.connect in your [F1] console in-game to join the server.
Wipes EVERY Monday & Thursday (usually at 2:00AM Eastern Time; no earlier than midnight).
On the first Thursday of every month, Facepunch (the developer of Rust) initiates a game-wide update and "force wipe". On these days, the time of wipe is out of our control but usually happens between 1:00PM and 3:00PM Eastern Time.
Blueprints are not affected by wipes as they are all unlocked by default. Wipes reset the map and reset Kit/Item usages/cooldowns.
Donor Perks, Permissions/Ranks, RP, StatTrak Stats and any kind of leaderboard are NEVER wiped.
Certain Items have a wipe cooldown which means they cannot be redeemed from a Kit or purchased in the RP Store within a specific amount of time after wipe.
Join our Discord Server if you have any questions, need help or want to report a Player.
It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you read the information on this website. TERRA Rusticus 10x is arguably the MOST HIGHLY MODDED Server in the Rust Community. You WILL NOT be successful (or have fun) on the server if you do not know what you are doing. We have dozens of unique and exclusive plugins / systems that you WILL NOT find ANYWHERE ELSE. Do yourself a favor and put in the work (learning) here so you can have your fun while playing. The knowledge you gather here will directly translate into how successful you will be in-game.
With the above acknowledged, a lot of effort (love) and hard-work has been put into developing, maintaining and administrating this Server. If you'd like to see us stay online for the foreseeable future and support this project (and future ones), please consider donating to the community. Our top donors receive special recognition in the community through their own, private Voice Channels & Roles in our Discord Server and Custom Chat Tags in-game. All donations help and they're the reason this server exists today. Because of your donations and support, our community has been running since 2015 with the Rusticus project running since 2017. Love you all!
TERRA, as a Rust community, has been around since 2015 and TERRA Rusticus, as a Rust Server, has been around since 2017. We hope to keep our Server online for as long as possible; continuing to provide support to our community and developing our immensely unique Rust experience. This is only possible through your continued support and generous Donations. 10s of 1000s of man hours of work have been put into TERRA and every dollar you Donate will go directly to improving our Server(s) and many Systems. 10s of 1000s of lines of code have been written specifically for our community alone, and, again, without your support, none of this would be possible.
All Donors receive kickbacks for their contributions to our community in the form of Donor Packages. All of our standard Ranks (Permanent Donor Packages) are PERMANENT. They last FOREVER. At TERRA, we have NO subscription-based Donor Packages. We believe that your contributions have a lasting impact and so should your kickbacks in return.
As aforementioned, Permanent Donor Packages, available on TERRA.gg, last forever and contain a variety of perks including (but not limited to) Kits, Skin Box, Sign Artist, Queue Skip, Chat Tags, Name Colors and more! Please note that Perm Donor Packages do not stack, but, rather, are consecutive. This means that any Perm Donor Package you currently have will provide you a discount on any Package above it. The price displayed on the website is the difference in cost between the Package you currently have and the one you are looking at.
If you attain the Perm Donor Package Rank of God Emperor, you are eligible to make Custom Kits, where you get to choose the contents and cooldown of whatever Kit you'd like to have. You can design these Custom Kits in the Custom Kit Cost Calculator. These Custom Kits also come with Custom Chat Tags and Name+Chat Colors that you get to choose. Please join our Discord Server if you're interested in getting a Custom Kit. If you are a God Emperor but do not want to go through the process of designing and getting a Custom Kit, you can also Donate for God Emperor Pre-Made Custom Kits, also available (like everything else) on TERRA.gg.
If you are looking to Donate specifically for RP instead, we also have Rusticus (10x) RP Packages on TERRA.gg. You can Donate for anywhere between 2,560RP and 125,000RP on our website.
If you have any further questions about Donating or anything else, feel free to join our Discord Server.
Before you dive headfirst into the chaotic and often confusing world of TERRA Rusticus, you should make sure you know how to get started on the Server.
If you're new to Rust, you should note that (almost) all chat commands start with the forward slash ("/") character. Chat commands are a feature of almost all modded Rust servers. Arguments in chat commands are delimited (separated) by spaces. For example, in the command /clan join 1337, the command name is "clan", the first argument is "join" and the last argument is "1337", all separated by spaces. If any of the arguments in a command contain spaces (for example, let's say you are entering a Player's name that has spaces in it like "Milk Man"), you need to surround the argument with [double] quotation marks: /clan invite "Milk Man".
In effect, there are hundreds of chat commands. These are all of the "base" commands along with any important commands that have specific arguments that you should to know.
Plugin/Usage | Command | Arguments | Notes |
Private Messaging | /PM | "name or steamID64" your message goes here | Sends a Private Message to another Player. If a Player's name has spaces, you may need to encapsulate it in quotes. If it is not unique, you may need to enter their SteamID64 instead. |
PM Reply | /R | your message goes here | Replies to the last Player who PM'd you. |
Clan Chat | /C | your message goes here | Sends a message to all Clan Members. |
Clan Chat | /IGNORE | "name or steamID64" | Blocks a Player from PMing you. If a Player's name has spaces, you may need to encapsulate it in quotes. If it is not unique, you may need to enter their SteamID64 instead. |
Chat Manager | /CM | Opens the Chat Manager. |
Plugin/Usage | Command | Arguments | Notes |
TP Request | /TPR | "name or steamID64" | Requests a TP to another Player. If a Player's name has spaces, you may need to encapsulate it in quotes. If it is not unique, you may need to enter their SteamID64 instead. |
TPR Accept | /TPA | Accepts a TP Request from another Player. | |
Set a Home | /SETHOME | homeName | Sets a Home at your current location with the name you set. |
TP to a Home | /HOME | homeName | TPs you to a Home with a specific name. |
Plugin/Usage | Command | Arguments | Notes |
Friends | /FRIEND | add|remove "name or steamID64" | Add or remove a Friend to/from your Friend's list. |
Remove ALL Friends | /RAF | Removes ALL Friends from your Friend's list. | |
Clan | /CLAN | help | Too many unique arguments to list. Use this command to see all Clans commands. |
Clan Info | /CINFO | clanTag | Shows info about a specific Clan. |
Clan Tag Color | /CCOLOR | hexColorCode | Set the color of your Clan's Clan Tag in Chat. Formatted in HEX (like #FFAA88). |
Friendly Fire Toggle | /FF | Turns on/off Friendly Fire vs. Clan Members. |
Plugin/Usage | Command | Arguments | Notes |
Remover Tool | /REMOVE | Enables or disables the Remover Tool. | |
BGrade | /BGRADE | 0|1|2|3|4 | Sets BGrade's Auto-Upgrade Grade. |
HE Wall Stacking | /WSTACK | Enables or disables HE Stone Wall Stacking. | |
Auth Share | /SHARE | Opens the "Dynamic" Cupboard/Authorization Share Menu. | |
Auto-Codelock | /CODELOCK | Opens the Auto-Codelock Menu. | |
Turret Upgrade | /TUP | Upgrades an Auto Turret to a Super Turret (no undo). |
Plugin/Usage | Command | Arguments | Notes |
Perks | /PERKS | Open the Perks Menu. | |
Air Support | /AS | 1/A|2/C|3/H|4/S|5/I | Selects a specific type of Air Support. |
M.I.L.F. Strike | /MSRTIKE | monumentNumber | Selects a specific monument to M.I.L.F. Strike. |
Vaping | /VAPE | Makes you Vape. |
Plugin/Usage | Command | Arguments | Notes |
RP Store | /S | Opens the RP Store. | |
StatTrak | /ST | Opens StatTrak. | |
Playercards | /PC | Opens the Playercards Menu. | |
Drugs | /DRUGS | Opens the Drugs Menu. | |
Join RPLottery | /JOINLOTTERY | noOfTickets | Joins the RP Lottery with a specified number of tickets. Defaults to 1 ticket. |
Check RPLottery | /CHECKLOTTERY | Checks the status of the RP Lottery and displays important info. | |
CoinFlip | /COINFLIP | Shows you all chat commands for CoinFlip. |
Plugin/Usage | Command | Arguments | Notes |
Info/Welcome GUI | /INFO | Opens the GUI. | |
Kits | /KIT | Opens the Kits GUI. | |
Spawn Kit | /KIT | at | Toggles on/off the spawn Kit. |
Report | /REPORT | all relevant information goes here including names, locations, et cetera | Sends a Report to our Staff Team. |
Sign Artist | /SIL | imageURLendingInJPGorPNG | Uploads an image to a sign or picture frame. |
Skin Box | /SKIN | Opens the Skin Box. | |
Question & Answer | /Q | type your yes/no question here | Provides knowledge. |
Discord Link/Sync | /SYNC | Gives you a one-time code and instructions that you can use to link your Discord to your Steam account. | |
KYS | /DRINK|/EAT|/HANG | Makes you drink Bleach, eat Glue or Hang yourself with Rope. | |
Bounty | /BOUNTY | Opens the Bounty Menu. | |
Drop Inventory | /DI | Drops the contents of your inventory onto the ground. |
When you spawn, you'll notice that you have a specific set of items in your inventory. If you wish to not spawn with these items in the future, you can turn off/on the "automatic spawn kit" with the chat command: /kit at.
The server has a customizable Always-On Graphical User Interface (AOGUI) HUD (heads-up display) that displays useful information in the top left of the screen. This HUD can be customized by clicking the Cog () button in the top left.
The Logo portion of the HUD will automatically fade-out when holding the Crouch (Left-CTRL) Key. This can be especially useful when attempting to access special UI buttons in the top left of the screen (such as with the in-game map).
Any player with a Donor Package (which actually can be attained for free in our community) can use the Chat Manager to customize what chat messages they receive and how they look (their style/theme). You can open the Chat Manager by typing /cm.
More likely than not, you will not be playing the Server alone. In vanilla Rust, you form a team by opening your inventory menu, creating a team (button in bottom-left) and then inviting another Player to that team using the action key (E by default).
In TERRA Rusticus, you can do the same thing, however, it gets a lot more complicated than that due to permissions and authorizations used to automate a lot of (usually) tedious processes. It's also very important to note that rules apply to the size of your team.
In TERRA Rusticus, Players add friendlies as "friends" using the command /friend add "Player Name". This stops your turrets from shooting those Players and allows them to authorize themselves on your Tool Cupboards (A.K.A. "TC"). To remove someone as a friend you can type /friend remove "Player Name". You can also use the command /raf to remove all friends on your friends list. You can see your friends list by typing /friend list.
If you plan on playing alongside or sharing a base with another Player for any extended period of time, it's a good idea to form a Clan. Clan Members have elevated privileges over Friends in many ways. For example: Clan Members can remove/edit your Building Blocks (including using the /remove tool upon them). Clan Members can also avoid Friendly Fire from each other (turned ON by default) using the /ff command (which is extremely useful in PvP). You can create a Clan by typing /clan create clanTag "clan description".
You can change the color of your Clan Tag (in chat) by typing /ccolor #aabbcc where #aabbcc is a hex color code that you can choose. You can see the rest of the commands pertaining to Clans by typing /clan help. You can see information regarding another clan by typing /cinfo clanTag.
As being a Clan Member has its privileges, there are a some restrictions on what you can't do as a Member of a Clan.
It's important to know what your Friends and Clan Members can and cannot do as a result of their association with your account. You can fine-tune a lot of these privileges in the /share plugin, including whether or not friendlies can unlock and open your doors, cupboards, boxes, lockers and so on.
In regards to Traps: Clan Members and Friends will not get shot by your Auto Turrets regardless of TC authorization; authorization for Auto Turrets is controlled on a per Turret basis. In-contrast, Shotgun Traps and SAM Sites work based off of TC privilege (but will still never shoot their owner). Sentry/Super Turrets are like Auto Turrets but you must manually clear authorization if you wish to de-authorize a former Friend or Clan Member (you don't have to do this with normal Auto Turrets).
As mentioned in the info section on Clans, Clan Members can use the Remover Tool on each other's Building Blocks (type /remove to use it). Although it is against the rules to use the /remove tool in an offensive manner, it is suggested that you do not invite people to your Clan that you cannot trust. We do not have any rules against insiding, only against using the /remove tool while doing so.
Communication is very important between friendlies, especially in any PvP situation. There are multiple ways on TERRA Rusticus to privately and specifically contact friendlies via text chat in-game. The most widely used private channel of communication is Team Chat which is available in Vanilla Rust. Simply press TAB to switch to Team Chat while the text chat field is open (you can open text chat by pressing T or ENTER by default).
Private Messages are a form of direct messaging on many modded Rust Servers. You can type /pm "Player Name or SteamID64" your message goes here... to PM another Player. You can also type /r Your message goes here to quickly reply to whoever Privately Messaged you last.
You can also message all members of your Clan specifically using the /c your message goes here... command.
If you're looking to communicate reliably via voice chat, you could use Discord. You should feel free to use our Discord Server to do so, just make sure you follow our rules.
RP or "Reward Points" are the currency of TERRA Rusticus. Your RP balance can be viewed in the top left of your screen in the AOGUI HUD and at the bottom of the RP Store (among other places). There are a couple of in-game Items that represent a specific value of RP. These Items are Small Batteries, Duct Tape, Glue and Bleach. These Items also have alternative uses in-game (for example, in the construction of Super Turrets) and can be used while Trading between Players. It is generally not wise to store them in a box or keep them on your inventory as you can sell these Items in the RP Store and then buy them back later as needed.
There are many ways to attain RP on TERRA Rusticus. RP is gathered passively through playtime (you make 3RP for every 5 minutes you play). RP can be attained by selling Items in the RP Store and through selling Drugs, completing Bounties and Playercard Challenges and by winning Wagers. Custom Kits and Donor Kits can also provide RP via Small Batteries and you can Donate for RP directly on our website. Batteries are also available in the standard Discord and Nitro Booster Kits.
Outside of the aforementioned methods of attaining RP, you can also get rewards by inviting new people into the Server. By using PlaytimeRewards, you can have your invitees type /refer yourName to refer you. Getting 5 referrals gives you 1RR (Referral Reward Points) that you can spend on yourself or other Players to get RP and Perm Donor Packages (VIP I thru Patron II). Please note that Players that have over a couple hours on the server cannot make a referral (as they're not considered new anymore) and that each new Player can only make ONE referral. Begging or asking random Players for referrals is against our rules and will lead to a ban. Do not ask for referrals in-game, even through PMs, Team Chat or Clan Chat.
Currency Item | Value (Buy & Sell) |
Small Battery | 50RP |
Duct Tape | 5RP |
Glue | 2RP |
Bleach | 1RP |
The RP Store can be accessed by typing /s. It contains a number of sections, allowing you to purchase both One-Time and Permanent Kits and even get VIP I/II using RP. It also allows you to buy and sell specific and Special Items and has a section that allows you to transfer RP to other online Players (this should only be used for gifts, use /trade for trading). Items you can sell include the Multiple-Grenade Launcher (MGL), Flare Gun, Flares, MLRS, M249, Batteries, Duct Tape, Bleach, Glue and Smoke (Lock-On) Rockets.
The ScrapPot is an easy way to make a little bit of RP off of extra Scrap. It gives you 20-50RP per 1000 Scrap you have in your inventory. You must have at least 1000 Scrap in your inventory to do a ScrapPot. To do a ScrapPot, type /sp noOfStacksOfScrap.
Just like in real life, selling Drugs can be a great way of padding your account's balance.
Drugs can be made and sold on TERRA Rusticus 10x through the use of a tradition Hemp farm, however, instead of selling Cloth, you'll be selling the Clones as Weed. Clone clippings can be taken with ease by hitting the plants with a tool like a Sickle, Hatchet or Knife. These clippings can be later processed with a variety of other chemicals (namely Bleach and Diesel Fuel) into Coke using a Coke Processor or, alternatively, you can just sell the Clones as Weed. Do note that only clippings with known genetics can be sold, as their strain (specifically, the number of "Y" genes) affects their value. You can upgrade a [small] Wood Storage Box into a Coke Processor by typing the command /drugs upgradebox (it requires 3 tarp from your inventory).
Also like in real life, the amount of demand for Drugs affects the price. Demand goes down the more people sell, however, over time, demand will go back up as supply decreases. You can inspect the market by typing /drugs market weed (for Weed) and /drugs market coke (for Coke). You can also check the value of the Drugs in your inventory by typing /drugs check weed|coke and, when you're ready to sell, you can do so by typing /drugs sell weed|coke.
If you want to see who the biggest narcos are on the server, you can do so by typing /drugs top weed|coke|overall to view the leaderboards.
You can wager your RP on TERRA Rusticus vs. other Players through periodic RP Lotteries and 1v1 Coin Flips. Participating in wagers is not a recommended way to make RP as you can lose as easily as you can win (there's no skill involved). Our suggestion is to always bet what you are willing to lose.
You can create a Coin Flip by typing /coinflip amountOfRPtoBet heads|tails. This will broadcast a message to chat and will generate an ID number for your Coin Flip that other Players can use to join using the command /coinflip join codeNumber. If another Player joins your Coin Flip before it expires, a winner will be chosen by random (50/50 chance). Whoever wins takes all of the RP wagered. You can see all active Coin Flips at any time by typing /coinflip list.
You can join the RP Lottery by typing /joinlottery numberOfTickets (defaults to 1 ticket). The more tickets you purchase, the higher chance you'll have of winning. Tickets cost 100RP each. Different Lotteries rotate with different ticket limits (10/100/1000/NO LIMIT). This allows Players who do not have a lot of RP (for tickets) but want to participate to have a better chance of winning. You can check the RP Lottery to see the current ticket limit and status including jackpot size, who has the highest % chance of winning, your % chance of winning, et cetera, with the command /checklottery.
Playercards are a fun way to show off and make some RP at the same time. Although some Playercards are unlocked by default, most require you to complete challenges to unlock them. These challenges often have an RP reward for completion (the harder they are to complete, the more they pay out). In order to participate in these challenges you must have StatTrak. Playercards are displayed to any Player you kill in combat on top of their death screen. The Playercards menu can be opened by typing /pc.
The Bounty System allows Players to place hits on targets and vet potential Hitmen through a bidding and contracting system that has a build-in escrow and reputation system to help legitimate users avoid disreputable scammers. The base chat command for the Bounty System is /bounty.
If you wish to put a price on another Player's head, you need to create a Bounty with the chat command /bounty create targetNameOrSteamID minBidRP maxBidRP. When creating a Bounty, you have to choose a target and a minimum and maximum range for bids (in RP). The lower the bid, the less it will cost you to accept their contract (if they complete it). The maximum bid you put will be immediately withdrawn from your account and held in escrow until the Bounty expires or is completed (it will automatically expire in 72 hours). After creating a Bounty, a Bounty ID will be created that you can use to manage bids and contracts. Now, why bids? Because, in order to avoid getting scammed, you need to vet potential Hitmen. In addition, bidding also allows you to choose from a range of applicants that are offering their services at different prices; it allows you to choose the most reliable Hitman at the best price. You can view bids on your Bounty by typing /bounty bountyID bids and you can see the Bounty Profile of a potential Hitman by typing /bounty profile nameOrSteamID.
Once you find a bidder (Hitman) you like/dislike, you can accept/reject their bid by its ID by typing /bounty bountyID accept|reject bidID. If you accept a bid, it becomes a signed contract. You can view any open contracts on any Bounty at any time by typing /bounty bountyID contracts.
If no contract is completed before the Bounty expires (if the target is not killed), you will simply get your RP back from escrow. If a contractor (signed Hitman) does complete their contract (kill whoever you set as your target), a "completed contract" will be created and the Bounty will be closed. At this point it is up to you to ratify (accept) or dispute (reject) the outcome of the contract. You would only want to dispute a completed contract if you genuinely believe that the contractor (Hitman) scammed you (made a deal with the target in order to simply complete the contract without competition). To ratify/dispute a completed contract and provide feedback (positive or negative reputation), type /bounty ratify|dispute bountyID +|-. You can only give negative reputation to completed contracts you dispute and positive reputation to completed contracts you have ratified. Do note that the rate at which your contracts are created, completed and disputed is tracked so, if you are scamming Hitmen out of their pay, your own Bounty Profile will reflect as much. Also, once a contract is completed, you only have 24 hours to dispute it, otherwise, it will be automatically ratified and the contractor will be paid out. Any difference between the max bid you set and the price set on the completed contract will be paid back to you in full. Also, like you were able to give the Hitman feedback, they're able to give you feedback in return. If you do not work well with your contractors, it may result in negative reputation.
To see any Bounties you are currently involved in you can type /bounty list.
As a Hitman, it is your job to bid on Bounties and complete any open contracts that may have been signed. You can view all open Bounties by typing /bounty listAll. You can then bid on individual Bounties by typing /bounty bid bountyID amountOfRP (naturally, this must in the min and max bid range). You can also remove a bid by typing /bounty bid bountyID remove. You can see all Bounties you are currently involved with (whether you bid or have a contract) by typing /bounty list. You can also vet the creators of Bounties by searching up their Bounty Profile with the command: /bounty profile nameOrSteamID.
If the creator of a Bounty likes one of your bids, they will accept it and create a signed contract for you to complete. The contract gets completed once you kill the Bounty's target. If you wish to terminate a contract (if you are no longer interested), you can type /bounty terminate bountyID.
Once you complete a contract, the Bounty is closed to all other bidders and contractors and now a "completed contract" has been created. At this point, it is up to the Bounty's creator to ratify or dispute the contracts outcome. If they do not make a decision in 24 hours, the contract is automatically ratified and you get paid. They may dispute the contract if they believe you did not complete the hit genuinely. If they ratify the contract, you will be paid and they will have an opportunity to give you positive reputation. If they decide to dispute it, you will not get paid and they will have a chance to give you negative rep. In return, you can review their final decision (and give them +/- rep) by typing /bounty review bountyID +|-. You can only give positive rep to completed contracts that were ratified and negative rep to completed contracts that were disputed.
Loot is essential in any game in order to progress. Although the value of loot is trivial on TERRA Rusticus (because of how easy it is, generally, to attain), it still plays a vital role in gameplay. There are many ways to gather loot on Rusticus. Outlined below, is how to go about doing just that.
TERRA Rusticus is a 10x Gather-Rate Server. That means that you'll get 10 times the amount of loot when gathering resources from Trees, Nodes and picking up stuff off of the ground (such as rocks and logs). Just like Vanilla Rust, the better the tool, the more you will Gather: a Metal Pickaxe is better than a Stone one and a Jackhammer is better than both (but requires Low Grade Fuel to run).
The Loot Table on the Server is completely custom. Certain Items can only be found in specific Loot Containers. Most Loot Containers can be simply opened by pressing the action key (E by default) however others must be broken (Barrels) or Hacked (Locked Crates). Locked Crates only take 5 minutes to hack (instead of 15 on Vanilla). Supply Drops are dropped by Cargo Planes and are called in by throwing a Supply Signals. Supply Drops fall much faster on the Server (than Vanilla Rust) and the planes that deliver them fly much faster as well. The entirety of the Loot Table and its contents can be viewed through the Loot Table Viewer which can by accessed by typing /LT or /LootTable.
Monuments (like Launch Site) and AI Events (like Patrol Helicopters) are the best places to get loot. This, however, comes with the risk of running into hostile AI or other Players.
Major monuments are also where Chinook Attack Helicopters can be found. These Helis are player-controllable and are armed with a 30mm HE gun (firing F1 Grenades) and rocket pods (firing HV Rockets). Although minor monuments have less loot (such as Gas Station), they often have spawn points for Sedans (which also have special abilities). You can also find M2 Bradley IFVs at airfield which, like Chinooks, are player-controllable and have special armaments useful in PvP. Basic vehicles such as Modular Cars, Minicopters & Scrap Transport Helis can be found throughout the map. Just be careful to avoid SAM Sites and other Traps.
Kits are the most convenient and painless way to get loot on the Server. They place a set of Items in your inventory upon being redeemed (if you don't have room in your inventory an error will be displayed or the extra items will get dumped on the ground). When you spawn, you're automatically given a Spawn Kit by default. They can be redeemed (almost) anywhere at (almost) any time. Kit usage is restricted by time into wipe, overall times used, cooldowns and, sometimes, RP. All available kits can be either redeemed or purchased through the Kits Menu (/kit) or RP Store (/s).
Default Kits are Kits that all players have access to when they first join the server and do not cost RP to redeem. These include the basic "Builder" and "Pistol" Kits. Open the Kits Menu by typing /kit to see these Kits.
Discord Kits can be accessed by linking your Steam Account to your Discord Account in the TERRA Discord Server. To link your accounts, you need to type the chat command /sync in-game. This will give you a one-time code that you can type into our Discord Server (in any channel, preferably, #__cmd_dump), using the Discord chat command =SYNC CodeGoesHere. An example of using this command would be: =SYNC 420. Once you have successfully linked your accounts, you should see a new Kit called "Discord" in your Kits Menu (/kit). This Kit contains 10 Small Batteries that you can sell in the RP Store (/s) for 500 RP.
If you're currently boosting our Discord Server, you should see another Kit named "Nitro". This kit contains 75 Small Batteries (worth 3750 RP). Both Kits can be redeemed once per wipe (which is twice per week). If you do not see the "Discord" or "Nitro" Kit, make sure your account is actually linked by typing /sync in-game. If it is linked, try disconnecting and reconnecting to the Game Server.
Permanent RP Kits are purchased from the RP Store (/s) and can be redeemed in the regular Kits Menu (/kit). After being purchased, you will keep this Kit on your Account forever. There will likely be restrictions, however, on how often and how many times you can redeem this Kit for every wipe.
One-Time RP Kits are found in the RP Store (/s) and are immediately redeemed upon purchase. If you do not have enough room in your inventory to redeem the Kit, the excess Items will fall out of your inventory onto the ground. Most of these One-Time RP Kits have a maximum number of uses they can be purchased per wipe.
Permanent Donor Packages (such as VIP, Patron, Benefactor & God Emperor) are available at TERRA.gg. They supply Donors with a variety of perks including, but not limited to, Kits that can be redeemed from the in-game Kits Menu (/kit).
These Donor Kits are only limited by their cooldown period (which resets on Wipe which means you can redeem them right before and after a Server Wipe).
If you'd like to customize or make your own Kit, you can with God Emperor Custom Kits.
Because Permanent Donor Packages are permanent, so are the Kits you receive with them. They will last for the lifetime of the Server. TERRA has been up since 2015 (with the Rusticus 10x Server launching in 2017) so expect your investment in our community to last into the foreseeable future.
God Emperor Custom Kits, like Permanent Donor Packages, can be attained by donating to TERRA.gg and are exclusively available to high-end supporters of the community who possess the God Emperor Donor Package. God Emps can build and customize their own Custom Kits using the Custom Kit Cost Calculator. After designing their own Kit, they can then make a support ticket in our Discord Server where our Staff will be able to walk Donors through the final design and checkout process as well as contact an Administrator in order to make your Kit in-game.
If building a Custom Kit is too much work, we have pre-built Custom Kits that God Emps can get on TERRA.gg as well.
After making your first Custom Kit, you'll be prompted to design a Custom Chat Tag. This Chat Tag will be displayed in front of your name in-game when you type in chat. You will also get to choose what color your name will be and what color the text of whatever you type will be in chat. You can update this Chat Tag whenever you upgrade or attain a new Custom Kit.
You can Trade remotely with other Players using the chat command /trade PlayerTargetName. Your Trade attempt may be interrupted if one of the Players is in a Building-Blocked zone or if they are hurt or Combat/Raid Blocked. You can trade RP for Items by purchasing currency Items like Small Batteries from the Item Shop.
Ease of transportation is one of the many things that sets TERRA Rusticus apart from other Rust Servers. Being able to move around the map quickly and efficiently is paramount, especially in PvP.
Teleportation is the easiest and, often, safest way to transport yourself from one location on the map to another, however, it requires that either you set a Home (with /sethome homeName or /home add homeName) or have another friendly Player to teleport to (you can request to teleport to them with /tpr PlayerNameOrSteamId).
There are both restrictions on where and when you can set Home(s) or send Request Teleports (TPRs). The first and most obvious example of this is when you are Raid or Combat Blocked. This happens when you get involved in PvP. You also cannot teleport into or out of building blocked zones. You can't teleport while in the air or inside of the bounds of large monuments. With Home(s) (which you TP to by typing /home homeName), you can only set a home on a structure you, a friend or a clan member has built (rules apply to where you can set a home as well). In addition, the building you set a home on must have at least 2 foundations, 4 walls and 1 roof piece (and if the structure is missing those requirements after a home is set, the Home TP will be removed automatically).
Another important consideration when Teleporting is cooldowns. Both /home and /tpr have a 2 minute cooldown after usage with a 30 second countdown (which can be interrupted; if a Player gets Raid/Combat Blocked, for example).
Although there is no limit on how many times you can TP, there is a limit on how many Home(s) you can set at a given time (this number is 3 by default). You can get more than 3 homes by getting a Donor Package with RP (up to VIP II) or by donating for a Donor Package on TERRA.gg.
Although Vanilla transportation methods are available on Rusticus (horses, the underground rail system, purchasing Helicopters and Boats from select monuments with scrap, etc.), there are additional ways to attain transport on the Server.
Unlike on Vanilla Rust Servers, on TERRA Rusticus, Horses, Modular Cars, Scrap Transport Helicopters and Minicopters spawn around the map (like on previous, older Rust updates). In addition, Sedans can be found at roadside monuments and possess the ability to "Rocket Jump" through the use of the USE (default "E") key and Landmines. Chinook Helicopters spawn at major monuments (most notably, Airfield) along with pilotable M2 Bradley IFVs (which are both useful in offensive operations, utilizing weaponry unique to both vehicles). All vehicles can also be used to detonate Vehicular Suicide Bombs which sacrifice the driver and vehicle at the cost of C4, Duct Tape and Tech Trash (causing considerable damage to nearby structures and Players).
Although Modular Cars spawn in an unusable state, you can always purchase a HQ Engine Parts "One-Time" RP Kit from the RP Store with RP.
A base is the safest way to store loot on TERRA Rusticus however, the bigger the base, the more attention it will attract. It is important to setup proper defenses on Rusticus as Vanilla-style bases will be easily raided on the Server.
When building on TERRA Rusticus, there are a couple modifications on the Server that you will want to consider. The first is the Building Block health; all Building Blocks have 50% more HP. Another thing is Upkeep; Upkeep lasts 10x longer on the Server. This means that, compared to vanilla, it requires considerably less materials to stop your base from decaying.
Grade | Time to Decay |
Armored / Top-Tier | 5 Hours |
Sheet Metal | 3 Hours |
Stone | 2 Hours |
Wood | 1 Hour |
Twig / Thatch | 10 Minutes |
Also, after a Building Block is upgraded, it takes some time for the Building Block to reach full HP (known as the Structure Upgrade HP Gradient). After upgrading a Building Block, it starts off at half HP (this is half of 150% of the Vanilla HP amount since Building Blocks have 50% more health by default). The Building Block will gain health over time (10 HP per second) until it is at full health (if the Building Block is damaged during this time period, although the Building Block will continue to incrementally increase in HP, it will NOT reach full health unless it is repaired).
When planning to build a large structure, you should consider the Building Entity Cap. This is a limit on how big of a base you can build (per Tool Cupboard). Each structure/building can only contain up to 5000 Building Blocks. This is a hard limit and there is no real way to bypass this however you can build multiple structures within close proximity to each other by separating the individual structures Tool Cupboards (so the TC privilege does NOT overlap) and then building "inwards".
There is also a limit on how big of a structure you can use "BGrade" (/bgrade 1-4) on. BGrade automatically upgrades whatever Twig (or thatch) Building Blocks you place into whatever grade you have set (0=Twig, 1=Wood, 2=Stone, 3=Metal, 4=Armored). Also, if you are currently Raid/Combat Blocked, BGrade will not work and there will be a 10 second cooldown after placing a Twig Building Block which stops you from immediately upgrading the structure.
You can stack High-External Stone Walls with the chat command /wstack.
You can remove previously placed Building Blocks (and those of Clan Members) using the chat command /remove and Left-Clicking.
To speed up Building a Base, you should take advantage of the Auto-Codelock Plugin. It allows users, who have the required materials, to automatically place locked Codelocks on Doors, Hatches and Containers through the use of the /codelock chat command. It also has an automatic door closer feature which will automatically close your doors and hatches after a specified interval of time has passed.
In addition to the above considerations, you should also consider the unique ways in which players PvP and Raid on Rusticus, including the modified and custom Turrets and Traps we have on the Server. For example: Air Support (/as; using flares) will only attack an area vertically, so, having a tall structure that has Sentry/Super Turrets (with their Active Protection System) and/or top cover would be pretty useful.
Some of the best places to build on the Server are Custom Buildable Monuments which are uniquely designed structures that provide permanent cover from potential raiders (images above and below).
Traps and Turrets are an absolute necessity to defend and secure an area or structure on TERRA Rusticus. Without the appropriate application of these defenses, avoiding an offline or AFK raid is near impossible.
Like with a Vanilla Server, basic Traps such as the Floor Spikes, Snap Trap and Flame Turret are available for Players to craft, however, all other Traps have modifications which make them more effective against prospective raiders.
The first of these modded Traps is the Land Mine which has a "bouncing betty" feature; throwing a F1 Grenade in the air upon being triggered. Despite clearly doing lethal damage towards any unlucky personnel that may step on the mine (and anyone else nearby), Land Mines are also especially effective in causing considerable damage towards the M2 Bradley IFV (it only takes 2 Land Mine hits to kill a fully repaired Bradley).
The second modded Trap which is considerably effective when deployed in an effective manner is the Shotgun Trap. On Rusticus, the Shotgun Trap has a much larger effective range than in Vanilla. In addition, the Shotgun Trap has infinite ammo (you must place at least 1 handmade shell in its inventory) and its cone of fire is wider and fires many more projectiles, making it the go-to choice for a cheap and effective directional defensive Trap. Shotgun Traps will shoot anyone who does not have Building Privilege (besides the placer of the Trap).
Auto Turrets are also buffed on TERRA Rusticus. They have an increased detection range and infinite ammo as long as you place a fully-loaded weapon and at least one magazine's worth of ammo in the Turret's inventory. In addition, Auto Turrets do not require electricity in order to be turned on: you can pull out a Hammer and turn on the Turret with the R (or RELOAD) Key. Auto Turrets will not shoot the Friends or Clan Members of authorized Players. When placed into "peacekeeper" mode, they will only shoot Players that are considered "hostile" (useful for areas you wish to defend but keep public or for Role Playing).
For a considerably more effective defensive device like the Auto Turret, consider upgrading your Turrets into Super Sentry Turrets.
SAM Sites are necessary in order to stop hostile aircraft from loitering in the airspace around a structure or point of interest. On TERRA Rusticus, they have a number of changes, including their range (they can fire at hostiles from 350m away) and their Missiles. SAM Missiles on TERRA Rusticus have seeker heads and will track their target until impact, although, it is important to note that the longer the Missile travels, the higher the likelihood that the seeker head will lose its lock. SAM Sites also do not require electricity and are always-online (they do not need to be manually turned "on"). SAM Site Authorization piggy backs off of Building Privilege and also takes into account the Friends and Clan Members of Building-Authorized Players. SAM Sites have infinite Ammo as long as one SAM Missile is placed in its inventory.
A Super Sentry Turret (commonly called a "Super Turret") is a Player-deployed version of the Outpost Turrets commonly found at Monuments around the map. What makes the Super Turret special is its range (double that of Auto Turrets), 40mm HE Grenade Launcher (fired in tandem with the main gun) and ability to not only protect an area from unauthorized Players but also from incoming Rockets fired from unauthorized sources (known as an Active Protection System).
In order to make a Super Turret, you must, first, place an Auto Turret in the location in which you'd like to have an upgraded Turret. Do not put a weapon or ammo into this Turret, as Super Turrets use their own proprietary weaponry. Before you can upgrade the Auto Turret, you must have a specific set of resources in your inventory: 20 Small Batteries and 200 Tech Trash. If you do not have enough RP (1000) to buy the Small Batteries from the Item Shop, you can either earn RP to buy them or gather them from the Loot Table. Then, after getting the aforementioned resources, you can look at the existing Auto Turret and type the command /tup to upgrade your standard Turret into a Super Sentry Turret.
When deploying a Super Turret, it's important to consider the Turret's Active Protection System. The better the Turret's FoV (field of view), the more cover it will provide itself and nearby structures from incoming Rockets.
The Super Turret's Active Protection System renders the conventional methods of neutralizing Auto Turrets ineffective. This requires special methods which can defeat the Active Protection provided by the Super Turret.
40mm HE Grenades (fired from a Multiple-Grenade Launcher) are a tool commonly used to destroy Super Turrets, as their projectiles are not detected / destroyed by the Active Protection System. It takes 20 40mm HE Grenades to destroy a Super Turret. 40mm HE Grenades can also be fired accurately and safely at range by the main cannon of the M2 Bradley IFV. For a more crude method, Explosive 5.56 Ammo can also be used, however, it takes 400 rounds to disable a Super Turret. In contrast, other types of Ammo are completely ineffective.
Another method that can be used to defeat the Active Protection System is overwhelming it by firing multiple, high-speed Rockets over a small interval of time. This attack vector gives you a numer of options, varying in accessibility. The first is the use of the HV Rocket Pods on the Chinook Attack Helicopter. The second is the Hellfire Barrage, called in by using Flares (Air Support); (/as H). You can increase the accuracy of how you deploy your Flares by using a Flare Gun (purchasable in the Special Items section of /s) as Flares fired from Flare Guns stick to whatever surface they first come into contact with. The last effective method of defeating a Super Turret with Rockets is the MLRS (Multiple-Launch Rocket System). The MLRS can fire a barrage of Regular or HV Rockets at a high rate of fire, defeating the ability of the Active Protection System to shoot down all of the Rockets. Although Flares can be found in the Loot Table both Flares, Flare Guns and the MLRS can be purchased with RP in the RP Store.
In addition, C4 can be used to destroy Super Turrets, however, it requires the Attacker to be within close distance of the Turret, effectively putting themselves in an immense amount of danger.
Lastly, Vehicular Suicide Bombs can destroy Super Turrets, that is, if you can approach the Turret without getting killed or having your Vehicle destroyed / disabled.
What immediately sets TERRA Rusticus far apart from all other Rust Servers is the unique PvP experience. Expect the unexpected; Rusticus offers Players an immense amount of truly unique ways to both kill and raid other Players (and, in addition, counter those efforts). No matter your perceived skill level coming from other Games or Servers, you will be forced to learn and adapt on TERRA Rusticus. Knowledge is key to success.
If you engage in PvP interaction, a Combat Block will take effect on both you and the Player you are attacking. The Combat Block will last until the Player(s) die / respawn or the Combat Block timer expires (set to 2 minutes every time damage is dealt). A Raid Block occurs when an Attacker does explosive damage to a structure. It effects both the Attacker and any Players within 100 meters of the explosion / explosive damage. A Raid Block will not occur if the Attacker is damaging a structure which was created by themselves, a Friend or a Clan Member. Like the Combat Block, this Block lasts 2 minutes or until any given Player is killed. Both Raid and Combat Block stop Players from using a specific set of features on the Server. This includes the /trade, /bgrade, /tpr and /home commands and their features. It also blocks the ability to use the features of the Auto-Codelock plugin (/codelock) and stops Players from manually upgrading any Building Blocks that they may have placed (while blocked) for a 10 second period.
As with much on TERRA Rusticus, the damage dealt by a large number of weapons has been modified. In addition, the damage debuff applied due to the use of specific muzzle attachments has also been modified. Below are tables describing these modifications and how they compare to Vanilla Rust.
NOTE: The values shown here will not be properly reflected (visually) in-game when clicking on an item as we, the "modders", cannot change that.
Name | Vanilla Damage Modifier | Change ( Difference ) |
Modded Damage Modifier ( What they currently do ) |
Suppressor | -25% | +15% | -10% |
Muzzle Boost | -10% | +10% | 0 |
Muzzle Break | -20% | +20% | 0 |
Targets were equipped with equivalent protection to that of a Full-Metal gear loadout.
Weapons were loaded with Regular 5.56 Ammo and fired from 100m away.
Ordered by Damage per Hit.
NOTE: As a modification for balancing, L96 Incendiary Ammo does not do any "Heat" Damage in addition to "Bullet" damage (unlike in other Rifles).
Name | Damage Modifier vs. Vanilla ( 1x = No Change ) |
Body Shots to Kill ( Damage per Shot ) |
Head Shots to Kill ( Damage per Shot ) |
L96 | 1.25x | 3x (42) | 2x (92) |
Bolt-Action (Bolty) | 1x | 3x (33) | 2x (72) |
M39 | 1.6x | 4x (32) | 2x (70) |
Semi-Auto (SAR) | 1.6x | 5x (23) | 2x (51) |
M249 | 0.9x | 5x (23) | 2x (50) |
Assault Rifle (AK) | 1x | 6x (19) | 3x (40) |
LR-300 | 1x | 7x (15) | 4x (32) |
Targets were equipped with equivalent protection to that of a Full-Metal gear loadout.
Weapons were loaded with Regular 9mm Ammo and fired from 50m away.
Ordered by Damage per Hit.
Name | Damage Modifier vs. Vanilla ( 1x = No Change ) |
Body Shots to Kill ( Damage per Shot ) |
Head Shots to Kill ( Damage per Shot ) |
Thompson | 1.25x | 6x (17) | 3x (40) |
MP5A4 | 1.333x | 7x (15) | 3x (35) |
Custom | 1.25x | 8x (13) | 4x (30) |
Targets were equipped with equivalent protection to that of a Full-Metal gear loadout.
Weapons were loaded with Regular 9mm Ammo (or Nails) and fired from 15m away.
Ordered by Damage per Hit.
Name | Damage Modifier vs. Vanilla ( 1x = No Change ) |
Body Shots to Kill ( Damage per Shot ) |
Head Shots to Kill ( Damage per Shot ) |
Python | 1.3x | 4x (31) | 2x (69) |
Nail Gun | 3x | 4x (33) | 2x (50) |
M92 | 1x | 5x (20) | 3x (44) |
Semi-Auto (Pistol) | 1.125x | 6x (19) | 3x (42) |
Revolver | 1.355x | 6x (19) | 3x (42) |
Targets were equipped with equivalent protection to that of a Full-Metal gear loadout.
Weapons were loaded with 12 Gauge Slugs and fired from 10m away.
Ordered by Damage per Hit.
NOTE: Due to the unpredictable (random) nature of pellet spread from 12 Gauge Buckshot Ammo, it was not used in our documented tests. On average however, when tested, Buckshot took around twice as many hits to Kill vs. Slugs from a 10m distance.
Name | Damage Modifier vs. Vanilla ( 1x = No Change ) |
Body Shots to Kill ( Damage per Shot ) |
Head Shots to Kill ( Damage per Shot ) |
Waterpipe | 2x | 2x (66) | 1x (>100) |
Double-Barrel | 1.5x | 2x (50) | 1x (>100) |
Pump-Action | 1.5x | 2x (50) | 1x (>100) |
SPAS-12 | 1.7x | 3x (42) | 2x (93) |
Targets were equipped with equivalent protection to that of a Full-Metal gear loadout.
Name | Damage Modifier vs. Vanilla ( 1x = No Change ) |
Hits to Kill | Range Tested |
Eoka | 3x | 1-3x | 5m |
Flamethrower | 3x | N/A | 0-8m |
Like with TERRA Rusticus' weapons, Armor and Clothing is also heavily modified for a unique and thoughtful gameplay experience. Some articles of wearables are designed to specifically mitigate certain types of Damage in-game whereas others are designed to mimic the usefulness of a Full-Metal set with an additional twist. Below, for comparison, is a Full-Metal set of Armor with optimal Clothing along with our specially modded articles.
NOTE: The values shown here will not be properly reflected (visually) in-game when clicking on an item as we, the "modders", cannot change that. Also, Bite and Cold protection are not included below as they are considered unimportant.
The baseline for all other top-tier Armor. This is being treated as a single-item as a means of sanity and comparison in the Server.
Shows what this protects and how much.
Area Name | Stats | ||||||
Head |
Upper-Body |
Lower-Body |
Full-Body |
Articles of Clothing that cover the same area cannot be worn together.
Slot Name | Y/N |
Head | ✅ |
Eyes | ❌ |
Mouth | ✅ |
Torso (Inner Layer) | ✅ |
Torso (Outer Layer) | ✅ |
Waist | ✅ |
Hands | ✅ |
Legs | ✅ |
Feet | ✅ |
Frog Boots reduce Fall Damage. They make it so you cannot die from Fall Damage if you are at full HP. They also make it so you take no Fall Damage whatsoever from small falls. Best worn as a replacement for Regular Boots in a loadout.
Shows what this protects and how much.
Area Name | Stats | ||||||
Head | ❌ | ||||||
Upper-Body | ❌ | ||||||
Lower-Body | ❌ | ||||||
Full-Body |
Articles of Clothing that cover the same area cannot be worn together.
Slot Name | Y/N |
Head | ❌ |
Eyes | ❌ |
Mouth | ❌ |
Torso (Inner Layer) | ❌ |
Torso (Outer Layer) | ❌ |
Waist | ❌ |
Hands | ❌ |
Legs | ❌ |
Feet | ✅ |
The Barrel and Crate Costume heavily protect Players from Bullet Damage. Players wearing these can be easily defeated using Melee or Explosive Damage. In addition, while wearing a Barrel/Crate Costume, you have a heavily limited FoV (field of view), move slowly and cannot use your hands. Especially useful against Traps and Turrets.
Shows what this protects and how much.
Area Name | Stats | ||||||
Head | ❌ | ||||||
Upper-Body | ❌ | ||||||
Lower-Body | ❌ | ||||||
Full-Body |
Articles of Clothing that cover the same area cannot be worn together.
Slot Name | Y/N |
Head | ✅ |
Eyes | ❌ |
Mouth | ✅ |
Torso (Inner Layer) | ✅ |
Torso (Outer Layer) | ✅ |
Waist | ❌ |
Hands | ❌ |
Legs | ❌ |
Feet | ❌ |
The Heavy Scientist (Bomb) Suit is the go-to premier PvP armor. It's on-par with a Full Metal set regarding Bullet Damage and offers superior protection against Explosives and Radiation. The Heavy Sci Suit only lacks (compared to alternatives) against Melee Damage.
Shows what this protects and how much.
Area Name | Stats | ||||||
Head |
Upper-Body |
Lower-Body |
Full-Body |
Articles of Clothing that cover the same area cannot be worn together.
Slot Name | Y/N |
Head | ✅ |
Eyes | ✅ |
Mouth | ✅ |
Torso (Inner Layer) | ✅ |
Torso (Outer Layer) | ✅ |
Waist | ✅ |
Hands | ✅ |
Legs | ✅ |
Feet | ✅ |
The Ghost Costume is the choice of Clothing for marksmen and snipers. It is a slick-looking replacement for the Bullet protection of the Head and Upper-Body portions of a Full-Metal set. Where it lacks in Stab and Explosive protection, it makes up for in its special ability: a 5% Bullet Damage BUFF to the Bolty, M39 & SAR while being worn. Note that the Ghost Costume must be worn with Tactical Gloves, Pants and Boots in order to be as effective as a Full-Metal set vs. Bullet Damage.
Shows what this protects and how much.
Area Name | Stats | ||||||
Head |
Upper-Body |
Lower-Body | ❌ | ||||||
Full-Body |
Articles of Clothing that cover the same area cannot be worn together.
Slot Name | Y/N |
Head | ✅ |
Eyes | ❌ |
Mouth | ✅ |
Torso (Inner Layer) | ✅ |
Torso (Outer Layer) | ✅ |
Waist | ✅ |
Hands | ✅ (with Tac Gloves) |
Legs | ❌ |
Feet | ❌ |
When worn with a Bandana Mask, NVGs offer as much Bullet protection as a Metal Facemask.
Shows what this protects and how much.
Area Name | Stats | ||||||
Head |
Upper-Body | ❌ | ||||||
Lower-Body | ❌ | ||||||
Full-Body |
Articles of Clothing that cover the same area cannot be worn together.
Slot Name | Y/N |
Head | ✅ |
Eyes | ❌ |
Mouth | ✅ (with Bandana Mask) |
Torso (Inner Layer) | ❌ |
Torso (Outer Layer) | ❌ |
Waist | ❌ |
Hands | ❌ |
Legs | ❌ |
Feet | ❌ |
The "operator's" choice, the Headset provides the same Bullet Protection as a Metal Facemask and offers a special ability: a 5% Bullet Damage BUFF to any Suppressed Weapon while being worn.
Shows what this protects and how much.
Area Name | Stats | ||||||
Head |
Upper-Body | ❌ | ||||||
Lower-Body | ❌ | ||||||
Full-Body |
Articles of Clothing that cover the same area cannot be worn together.
Slot Name | Y/N |
Head | ✅ |
Eyes | ❌ |
Mouth | ✅ |
Torso (Inner Layer) | ❌ |
Torso (Outer Layer) | ❌ |
Waist | ❌ |
Hands | ❌ |
Legs | ❌ |
Feet | ❌ |
Perks are special abilities that can be purchased with RP in the Perks Menu, which you can open with the chat command /perks. Only one Perk from each Category (or slot) can be equipped at a time (this means you can have up to 3 Perks, from different categories, equipped at once).
Icon | Name | Description / Info | ||||||||||||
![]() |
Archer |
Archer makes Arrows you shoot from Bows do twice as much damage, in addition, it makes Arrow headshots instant-Kills. | ||||||||||||
![]() |
King Cobra |
Headshots using the Python Revolver are instant-Kills. | ||||||||||||
![]() |
Greed |
Greed steals RP from Players you Kill. The amount you steal depends on the Victim's RP Balance. If the Player you Kill has Greed equipped, the amount you steal will be double.
![]() |
Bank |
Bank stops Players with Greed from stealing your RP. | ||||||||||||
![]() |
Parasite |
Parasite heals you 10HP when headshotting other Players. |
Icon | Name | Description / Info |
![]() |
Thor |
Thor makes the Salvaged Hammer do 7 Damage against all Building Blocks and 50x Vanilla Damage against everything else (good for Eco Raiding, Melee Combat and destroying Deployables). |
![]() |
Scavenger |
When destroying Loot Barrels, Scavenger makes it so that they have a 1 in 2 chance of dropping either a Small Battery (worth 50RP) or 1 or 2 Duct Tape (worth 5 & 10RP respectively). This means you'll have a 50% chance of getting a drop and a ~17% chance of getting a specific drop when destroying Loot Barrels. |
![]() |
Fireproof |
Fireproof reduces Fire Damage by 75%. |
![]() |
Insurance |
Insurance makes it so you lose half as much RP against Greed and also gives you a 50% chance of recovering from a wounded ("downed") state (instead of 20%). |
![]() |
Flak Jacket |
Flak Jacket reduces Explosive Damage by 50% (for a Max Damage of 90pts). This means you cannot die from one-hit of Explosive Damage (like from a Rocket) when you are at full HP. |
Icon | Name | Description / Info |
![]() |
Commando |
Commando reduces Fall Damage by 50% and makes the Combat Knife instant-Kill Players. |
![]() |
Agua |
Agua makes it so you take NO Damage while drowning. |
![]() |
Houdini |
Houdini reduces Damage received from Auto & Super Turrets by 50%. |
![]() |
Martyrdom |
Martyrdom drops a F1 Grenade when you are killed by another Player. |
![]() |
Broken Arrow |
Broken Arrow nullifies the effects of Archer and King Cobra against you. |
Air Support is called in by throwing or dropping Flares. Air Support is not available during the first 12 hours of wipe. Only one Strike can be called in every 10 seconds in a localized area (100m). Air Support can deliver a variety of Strikes outlined blow. Different Strike packages can be selected using the chat command /as 1-5|A|C|H|I|S.
Flares can be placed more accurately through the use of the Flare Gun which can be purchased with RP in the Special Items section of the RP Store. Flares fired from Flare Guns stick to whatever surface they first hit.
The Anti-Armor Bomb can be selected by typing /as 1 OR /as A. The Anti-Armor Strike does as much Damage as 4 Regular Rockets and is best suited for destroying armored targets (such as Metal or HQM buildings).
The Cluster Bomb can be selected by typing /as 2 OR /as C. The Cluster Strike deploys an array of Bomblets across an area, best suited for anti-personnel missions.
The Hellfire Barrage can be selected by typing /as 3 OR /as H. The Hellfire Barrage fires 4 Rockets at its target in quick succession, making it best suited for eliminating Super Turrets (defeating their Active Protection System) and for raiding low-tier or low-HP Building Blocks (such as Stone). In total, the 4 projectiles of the Hellfire Barrage do 20% less Damage than the Anti-Armor Bomb.
The Incendiary Bomb can be selected by typing /as 4 OR /as I. The Incendiary Strike is best suited for damaging flammable objects and, like the Cluster Bomb, can be effective against Players that are dug-in.
The Smoke Screen can be selected by typing /as 5 OR /as S. The Smoke Strike is great at reducing visibility in an area and can be used both defensively and offensively.
The MLRS (Multiple-Launch Rocket System) is a Rocket Artillery emplacement, resembling a Spotlight, which can fire Regular or HV Rockets long distances at a high velocity and rate of fire. It can be purchased with RP in the Special Items section of the RP Store.
The MLRS takes 15 seconds to reload between volleys and Ammo is loaded and stored in the Small Wooden Box with the Red Siren Light.
The MLRS is an effective raiding tool against Super Turrets as its high rate of fire can defeat its Active Protection System. Due to its range, the MLRS can be used as an effective ranged / standoff weapon, however, employing it in such a way would require solid communication between a spotter and gunner.
The MLRS is a bit of a "glass cannon" and can be destroyed quite easily by Explosives, while their gunners can be dispatched through the usual methods of PvP.
Lock-On Rockets (Smoke Rockets) are an effective tool for destroying both aerial and surface vehicles. Users must load these Rockets into a Rocket Launcher and then aim down sights at their desired target in order to establish a lock before firing. Lock-On Wockets fired without a lock will not seek any target and their warhead will not be fused for detonation. Although a single Lock-On Rocket may not destroy a vehicle and render it unusable, the Explosion from the Missile will often Kill the occupants of whatever vehicle that's hit. The M2 Bradley IFV is the most resistant vehicle to Lock-On Rockets and can withstand up to 7 hits before being destroyed (without repairing) whereas the [AI] Patrol Helicopter can only withstand 2 hits, the Chinook 1-2 hits and most other vehicles only 1 hit.
The CH47 Chinook is a military cargo helicopter and, in TERRA Rusticus, it is equipped with 2 main armaments that transform the transport-oriented vehicle into an attack chopper. The first of these armaments is the main gun, which consumes F1 Grenades from the Pilot's inventory and fires them coaxially to the axis of the helicopter in volleys of 5 (with a 5 second cooldown). It can be fired with Right-Click. The second of these armaments is the HV Rocket Pods, which fires (take a guess) HV Rockets coaxially to the axis of the helicopter in volleys of 5 (takes 10 seconds to reload). It is fired with Left-Click.
Both of these armaments can malfunction if the vehicle is damaged (the more damaged a Chinook is, the more likely a malfunction will occur). If the CH47 is significantly damaged, it may suffer a Flight Control Surface malfunction which will cause the helicopter to spin out of control (and is unrecoverable). For other malfunctions (referring to the weapons systems), they can be repaired using Tech Trash (no more than 40) and Duct Tape (no more than 3). These malfunctions take 30 seconds to repair.
As shown above, the Pilot of the Chinook is given a HUD, displaying information regarding the Airspeed in KCAS (calibrated airspeed in Knots), Altitude (in feet), a reticle (for the weapons systems) and other info regarding the statuses of the helicopters systems (including weapons systems, malfunctions and overall systems health).
As with every other gameplay mechanic on TERRA Rusticus, Chinooks have their weaknesses and counters. Chinooks can be destroyed by regular fire from Players and other CH47s, however, they are best dispatched by SAM Sites and Lock-On Rockets (Smoke Rockets).
The M2 Bradley IFV (infantry-fighting vehicle) is an armored fighting vehicle used to carry infantry into combat and provide direct-fire support. In-game the only internal mount-point on the vehicle (that provides protection) is the seat in which the driver-gunner-commander sits (this is one seat, one person), everyone else mounted on the vehicle sits on the exterior and is exposed during transport. On TERRA Rusticus, the main cannon of the Bradley is fed by 40mm HE rounds (commonly fired from the MGL) and the secondary coaxial MG is fed by Regular 5.56 Ammo. The main cannon is useful against both soft and armored targets and is often best deployed against other vehicles and static emplacements such as Traps, Turrets and, especially, Super Turrets. The M2 Bradley IFV can also deploy a Smoke Screen (using Smoke Grenades) by pressing Left-CTRL. The Bradley can be repaired with Metal Fragments, High-Quality Metal and Tech Trash. The M2 Bradley is vulnerable to a range of threats, namely Super Turrets, Chinooks, Lock-On Rockets, other Bradleys, MGLs, C4, HV Rockets and Land Mines.
Vehicular Suicide Bombs are an effective means of creating destruction at the cost of the User's life (and everyone else within close proximity). They can be detonated in most Vehicles by pressing both Left and Right Click while also holding down A and D (left and right movement keys). They require a set of materials in order to use, specifically 25 C4, 25 Tech Trash and 1 Duct Tape. Their effectiveness is determined solely by their position when deployed, this is why, often, Minicopters are the Vehicle of choice when carrying out Suicide missions due to their small size and agility (ability to penetrate air defenses).
The M.I.L.F. Strike (Massive Incendiary Lethal Force Strike) is a special kind of Air Strike called in using the chat command /mstrike monumentNumber. It costs 100RP, has a 60 second global cooldown and is specifically used to target monuments. To see a list of monuments and their respective numbers, type /mstrike.
Vaping can be an effective tool during combat. It requires that you have 5 Smoke Grenades in your inventory and can be deployed by typing /vape. Vaping has a 10 second cooldown.
StatTrak is a tool on the Server that allows Players to track their stats, complete challenges and compete for spots on the leaderboards. StatTrak can be opened by typing /st. StatTrak costs RP to use and is a one-time purchase of 1000RP. You can buy StatTrak with the chat command: /st buy. You can view the "top" leaderboards by typing /top kdr (for Players with the best Kill-Death ratio) and /top kills (for Players with the most Kills). You can type /st wi to see your Kills and Headshots using particular weapons.
You can use PlaytimeRewards to track your playtime in-game and also, receive rewards for inviting new Players to the Server. To see your playtime and the Players with the most playtime, type /playtime. To get rewarded for inviting new Players into the server, have them type /refer yourName. For every 5 referrals you get, you get 1RR (Referral Reward Points) which can be spent on a variety of rewards including RP and Permanent Donor Packages (VIP I thru Patron II). You can view your rewards menu by typing /reward. Here, you can gift yourself (or other Players) rewards using the chat command: /reward claim number letter (for yourself) OR /reward gift number letter nameOrSteamID. Please note that Players that have over a couple hours on the server cannot make a referral (as they're not considered new anymore) and that each new Player can only make ONE referral. Begging or asking random Players for referrals is against our rules and will lead to a ban. Do not ask for referrals in-game, even through PMs, Team Chat or Clan Chat.
The SkinBox is an exclusive feature available only to our donors. It allows you to skin a variety of Items using the chat command: /skin. All you have to do is drag the Item you'd like to skin from your inventory into the Loot Storage Box in your inventory. You can then look through a variety of pages of skins by clicking the left and right arrow buttons on the right side of your screen. Once you've found a skin you like, you can drag that Item back into your inventory. You can repeat this as much as you like until you find what you want.
You can upload images from the internet to signs, banners and picture frames using Sign Artist (command /sil ImageURL). Make sure the URL pointing to the image is a direct link (ending in .jpg or .png) and is short enough to fit in your chat text box. This feature is only available to donors.
Player's Corpses turn into Body Bags 2 minutes after death.
You can file a Report to our Staff Team by typing /report followed by any relevent information about your report including names, locations, etc....